Strain Name
Common Name
B-hCX3CL1 mice
Catalog number
CX3CL1 (ABCD-3, C3Xkine, CXC3, CXC3C, NTN, NTT, SCYD1, fractalkine, neurotactin)
mRNA expression analysis
Strain specific analysis of CX3CL1 gene expression in wild-type C57BL/6 mice and B-hCX3CL1 mice by RT-PCR. Mouse Cx3cl1 mRNA was detectable in brain of wild-type C57BL/6 mice (+/+). Human CX3CL1 mRNA was detectable only in homozygous B-hCX3CL1 mice (H/H) but not in wild-type mice.
Protein expression analysis
Strain specific CX3CL1 expression analysis in homozygous B-hCX3CL1 mice by ELISA. The brain homogenates was collected from wild-type C57BL/6 mice (+/+) and homozygous B-hCX3CL1 mice (H/H), and analyzed by ELISA with species-specific CX3CL1 ELISA kit. Mouse CX3CL1 was detectable in wild-type mice. Human CX3CL1 was detectable in homozygous B-hCX3CL1 mice, these two ELISA kits cross-identify human and mouse.