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Disease Mice Models
Product No Product Application area
112938 B-DIO mice
110172 B-ob/ob mice hyperglycemia and obesity
110170 B-F9 KO mice hemophilia B
110169 B-F8 KO mice VII-related coagulopathy disorders
110168 B-Apoe KO mice cardiovascular disease, lipid metabolism, and Alzheimer’s diseases
110167 B-p53 KO mice regulate target genes that induce cell cycle arrest, apoptosis, senescence, DNA repair, or changes in metabolism
111116 B-Igh-J KO mice B cell clearance
210509 B-Pink1 KO rats mitochondrial signaling and Parkinson’s disease
210508 B-Apoe KO rats diabetes and obesity research, cardiovascular research, atherosclerosis, metabolism research and Alzheimer’s diseases
210506 B-Ldlr KO rats diabetes and obesity research, cardiovascular research, metabolism research
210505 B-Apoa4 KO rats regulating appetite and satiety
210507 B-p53 KO rats cell cycle arrest, apoptosis, senescence, DNA repair and metabolism
113614 B-OX2R KO mice
113613 B-OX1R KO mice
113126 B-Tg(hVEGFA) mice
114088 B-hDMD(exon44-46, del45) mice
113150 B-hRHO*P23H mice
113053 B-H11-hINV-(HPV16 E6/E7/E5)x2 mice(FVB)
112977 B-Psen1*M146L*E120K mice
113061 B-Psen1*P117L mice
113270 B-Ldlr KO mice
113182 B-hSIRPA/hCD47,Apoe KO mice
113306 B-Pah KO mice
113915 B-DMD KO mice
113041 B-hSERPINA1*E342K mice
113630 B-Ttr KO mice
113635 B-Clec7a KO mice(C)
113634 B-I-A/I-E KO mice(C)
113636 B-Mfap5 KO mice
113632 B-Slc29a2 KO mice
113629 B-Ms4a6d KO mice
112978 B-Abcb4 KO mice(C)
113135 B-Uox KO mice plus
112883 B-Rag2 KO mice(C)
113074 B-hXDH plus, Uox KO mice
112852 B-Fmr1 KO mice
112986 B-Mc4r KO mice
112250 B-Rag2/F8 DKO mice
210510 B-PrP-hAPP-hPS1 rats
110875 B-Trp53 mKI(p.Arg172His) mice
112799 B-hIGHA1/hCD89 mice
113046 B-Hbb-bt KO, Hbb-bs KO mice
112022 B-Irs2 KO mice
112023 B-Ins2*C96Y mice
112853 B-Mecp2 KO mice
112452 B-F11r KO mice
112007 B-p53 KO mice(C3H)
112008 B-p53 KO mice(FVB)
112009 B-p53 KO mice(A/J)
112010 B-p53 KO mice(ICR)
112011 B-p53 KO mice(C)
112012 B-p53 KO mice(DBA2)
112303 B-vk*MYC mice
112250 B-Rag2/F8 DKO mice
210510 B-PrP-hAPP-hPS1 rats
110875 B-Trp53 mKI(p.Arg172His) mice
111259 B-Adipor1 KO mice
112567 B-Grn KO mice
112036 B-MUP-uPA mice
111127 B-Igh-J KO mice(C) Tumor
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